Why do I feel bloated after having bovine collagen?

Asked 2 years ago

I have been using bovine collagen supplements for just over a month now and am really impressed with the results I'm seeing on my skin. However, there is one problem... BLOATING! Every time I have my bovine collagen I end up feeling really bloated and uncomfortable. Is this a side effect? How can I lessen the bloating?

Eliezer Hurley

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Many people have reported getting gastrointestinal issues after taking bovine collagen. This includes bloating, heartburn, constipation and nausea. This common side effect of taking bovine collagen is down to the size of collagen molecules. These protein molecules are larger than, say sugar or carbs, and it takes longer for stomach acid to digest them, hence the bloating. To ease this, take more water and increase your fiber intake.

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