How do I know if I have a collagen deficiency?

Asked 2 years ago

All I hear about on beauty and health websites is collagen. They advertise collagen powders and pills, something I didn't even know people could take. I know you're only supposed to take supplements like those when you're in a deficiency. So my question is- How exactly do you know if you have a collagen deficiency?

Brock Giles

Monday, May 16, 2022

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the body. This protein is synthesized by the body although it's possible to get a deficiency from a poor diet. While our bodies make enough collagen in normal circumstances, this reduces as we age and you will typically experience signs synonymous with aging. This includes joint pain, dull or thinning hair, lackluster skin, wrinkling and sagging skin, brittle hair and nails, weak bones, and decreased mobility and flexibility.

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