Does collagen have more benefits than biotin?

Asked 2 years ago

My hair has been thinning and falling out for about 2 months. I have also noticed that my nails are becoming brittle. I have started doing my research on supplements I can take to help my hair and nails become stronger again, and I came across collagen and biotin. I don't want to take both so I need to know- Does collagen have more benefits than biotin?

Lester Stevens

Monday, May 09, 2022

In addition to making the hair and nails healthy and strong, collagen also helps with joint health. That's one advantage it has over biotin. To get the most out of collagen and biotin, it's advisable to take both. The good news is, that you don't have to take two different supplements. You can take hydrolyzed collagen while getting biotin from food sources such as dairy, egg yolks, nuts, seeds, fish, legumes, avocados, bananas or sweet potatoes.

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