Does depression have something to do with collagen deficiency?

Asked 2 years ago

My teenage daughter struggles with depression. It pains my heart to see her suffer inside her mind. I want to try and help her as much as I can, so I'm doing research on different medications and supplements that can help her feel better. I came across a website that seemed to suggest that one can become depressed when one has a collagen deficiency. Is this true? Can collagen supplements help alleviate the symptoms of depression?

Rodrigo Pham

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Collagen deficiency isn't a common cause of depression. In fact, taking too much of it could trigger depression in those with a history of poor mental health. This is because it lacks tryptophan, a key amino acid used in making serotonin - a hormone used to improve mood. It's therefore unlikely that collagen will help with her depression. If she still struggles with it, it's advisable to take her to a mental health professional who will advise you appropriately.

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