What bacteria causes toenail fungus?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi, I'm curious about the types of fungi or bacteria that cause toenail infections. Do you know which these are and how to prevent them?

Kris Everett

Monday, April 25, 2022

Bacteria is the prime contributing factor to toenail fungus, but not the sole cause in some cases. Fungal organisms in the family Fusarium, the most common of which is a fungus called dermatophyte. Yeast and molds can also cause nail infections and nail infections can afflict anyone of any age, however most infections occur in older people.

Easy way to prevent it is cleanliness, cleaning your feet, your shoes, putting your gloves in the wash if you wear gloves, as the warm enclosed environment inside shoes is a breeding ground for these organisms. By simply cleaning up you can keep any infections away.

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