How can I boost my immune system against fungal infections?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi, I think I might have a fungal infection starting in my toenails. I can only put it to a lowered immune system. I don't have sweaty feet and I don't ever really walk barefoot. Any idea how I can keep my immune system boosted to fight the fungal infection and to prevent it from happening again? Thanks in advance.

Caroline Ikiugu

Friday, April 22, 2022

You can boost your immune system to fight fungal infections by eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, getting plenty of rest daily, drinking in moderation and getting enough exercise. Ensure that your diet contains probiotics e.g from yogurt, garlic, ginger and coconut oil. Fungus feeds on sugar so make sure that you take a low-sugar diet to keep infections down.

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