How do I know if my toenail fungus is dying?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi, I have been treating a nail fungus that has darkened my nail over time. What are the stages of nail fungus? Does it turn black when it dies?

Kellen Benitez

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Toenail fungus turns nails black, brown, white or yellow. As you treat it, the fungus dies off while the nail grows out and the discolored area of the nail gets smaller. Another sign of toenail fungus dying is the growth of a newer, healthier nail that looks different from the older infected one. This process takes time so keep up treatment until the toenail fungus is completely gone.

Ali Branch

Sunday, July 17, 2022

A toenail fungal infection can discolor the nail turning it brown, yellow, black or white. Once you begin treatment, the fungus dies off and may turn a little dark in the beginning. Keeping up with treatment will result in the infection gradually clearing up leading to the growth of a new, healthy nail that looks different and better than the infected one. This process can take time since nail fungus can be resistant to treatment and the toenails may take a long time to grow out.

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