The Difference Between a Bruised Toenail and Nail Fungus

A bruised toenail can resemble toenail fungus in some instances. Learn how to tell the difference between the two, as well as their common causes and treatments, in this post.

Anju Mobin
By Anju Mobin
Joel Taylor
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published April 30, 2022.

A bruised toenail can resemble toenail fungus. While a bruised toenail is caused by an injury to the nail, toenail fungus is caused by dermatophytes, molds, and yeasts.

Read on to learn more about each condition.

What Is a Bruised Toenail?

A bruised toenail, or a subungual hematoma, is an injury to your toenail that occurs when you injure the blood vessels under your nails—they break and bleed. This blood is collected under the toenail before turning black and shiny.

You might bruise your toenail after dropping something heavy onto it, stubbing the toe, or wearing tight footwear. It is also very common amongst athletes, especially long-distance runners.

A bruised toenail can take up to 9 months to heal. The injured toenail will eventually fall off, and a new one will grow.

What Is Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus (Onychomycosis) is an infection caused by a fungal invasion of the toenail structure. It starts with a white or a yellow spot on the nail and, with time, may spread across the entire nail. The nail may turn yellow, black, or even green.

As the infection goes deeper, the condition of the nail worsens: It becomes brittle, chalky, and/or crumbly, and it may also develop a foul smell.

Toenail fungus can develop in people of any age but is more prevalent in older adults. With age, nails become brittle and dry, making them prone to cuts and cracks that open them up for fungal infections after your toe touches an infected surface.

Treating and Preventing a Bruised Toenail and Nail Fungus

A bruised toenail can be treated with rest, ice, elevation, and compression (1). If there is too much swelling under the nail, your doctor may perform nail trephination by making a small hole in the nail and draining the fluid out. Bruised toenails can be prevented by wearing fitted and close-toed shoes, which can protect your nails from injury.

Toenail fungus can be treated with simple home remedies in most cases. Fungix anti-fungal formula is an effective, non-prescription nail fungus cream that can help treat the condition and prevent it from reoccurring.

In addition to the most effective toenail fungus treatments, you should maintain good foot hygiene to prevent future infections—wearing shower shoes in communal shower rooms, keeping your nails clipped, and wearing nice breathable shoes.