What is the best exercise for an enlarged prostate?

Asked 2 years ago

Are there any exercises you can recommend for a man who has an enlarged prostate, is 45 years old, and is not overweight but not fit either?

Barney Maddox

Monday, March 07, 2022

While there's no specific exercise regimen for those with enlarged prostates, a well-rounded exercise regimen can be beneficial. This means incorporating at least half an hour of exercise into your daily routine. Exercises such as yoga, jogging, swimming, walking, or tennis are especially beneficial. You can also start doing Kegels to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and improve bladder control.

Harley Hodges

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Exercises that target the pelvic regions known as Kegel Exercises are the best option for you. Exercises like jogging, walking, swimming and tennis are the best options for you to target those areas and help better your muscles.

A Kegel exercise is to clench your bladder like you're trying to stop to the flow, and hold for five seconds - that is a Kegel exercise.

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