What happens to the prostate after TURP?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm going in for a TURP operation on my prostate gland, and my doctor hasn't briefed me yet. Does anyone know what will happen once they've done the procedure? Do I get to go home immediately afterward?

Barney Maddox

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

A TURP operation (transurethral resection of the prostate) is done to remove inflamed parts of the prostate. This is done under anesthetic and a resectoscope will be inserted into the urethra and used to cut away a section of the prostate. A catheter will then be used to pump fluid into your bladder and flush away the removed pieces and blood clots. Following the operation, you may need to stay in hospital for 1-3 days before going home.

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