Can autophagy shrink an enlarged prostate?

Asked 2 years ago

When I was researching alternative methods to medication and surgery, I came across this process called 'Autophagy'. Apparently, I would need to fast t achieve this, but does anyone know how long I must fast for and which fasting routine would be best?

Tyson Doyle

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

There's some evidence showing that fasting under certain conditions may be beneficial to an individual's health however, there's insufficient evidence suggesting that it can help shrink an enlarged prostate. While the process varies depending on a person's metabolism, fasting for 2-4 days may trigger significant autophagy. The same benefits may be achieved by cutting out problematic foods from your diet.

Ali Branch

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Some doctors will say that autophagy can shrink an enlarged prostate, and the best way to do this is apparently to fast for up to three days. All things considered it would be better for you to talk to a doctor first before doing anything like this and make sure it does not do more harm than good.

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