Is a disorganized mind a sign of cognitive impairment?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I've been finding myself more lost of late. I often forget what I was busy doing or put something down, and I can't find it. I get that it can be an ordinary sign of an occupied human mind, but it's been happening more and more lately, and I'm starting to wonder if my brain is starting to go. Am I experiencing a cognitive decline?

Normand Lowe

Friday, February 25, 2022

Yes. Or it could simply be a sign of stress depending on your age. With stress the body isn't as loose as it reasonably should be, tighter muscles means tighter blood vessels, higher blood pressure or less oxygen going to where it needs to go, resulting in forgetfulness or other impairment.

Take a moment and try relax. Make time for a moment of peace and let your brain take a break. If the symptoms don't improve, talk to your doctor immediately.

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