What is the most effective way to suppress DHT production?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi, I have been struggling with acne, sweating, and high blood pressure, and I struggled to feel rested (sleep apnea). I went to the doctor and found out that my body is producing too much DHT. It turned out that my receding hairline is another sign (who would've thought). While the doctor did give me some recommendations, I'm on the hunt for the best way to reduce the amount of DHT my body produces. Any information would be great. Thanks!

Billie Mason

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Some of the most common and effective ways to suppress DHT production include using medication such as Minoxidil and/or Finasteride. For a more natural solution, consider including foods such as onions, oysters, coconut oil, pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed oil or turmeric. Foods rich in lycopene including watermelons, carrots, tomatoes and mangoes as well as nuts such as peanuts, almonds and cashews have also been found to block DHT production.

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