Is mag-sci in Bloodsyl a muscle relaxant?

Asked 2 years ago

I play soccer with a local team and it's one of my BIGGEST passions and hobbies! The only problem is that after matches I suffer with really horrible muscle spasms in my legs. Someone in my team recommended that I up my intake of mag-sci. Can mag-sci in Bloodsyl act as a muscle relaxant?

Grant Haley

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Mag-sci in Bloodsyl is a combination of 2 types of magnesium -Magnesium Taurate and Magnesium Oxide. This combination has been found beneficial in smooth muscle relaxation of blood vessels, leading to increased blood flow and reducing blood pressure. The action of the mag-sci in Bloodsyl hasn't been researched in relation to muscle spasms and it's recommended you see your doctor about your muscle spasms for a better diagnosis.

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