8 Best Herbs for Brain Fog

Anju Mobin
By Anju Mobin
Joel Taylor
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published March 2, 2022.

Turmeric powder in a bowl surrounded by fresh turmeric on a dark surface

For centuries, herbs have been used in treating various symptoms of all kinds of ailments.

In Indian ayurvedic healing, Brahmi and Ashwagandha are renowned herbs for focus and concentration. Chinese herbs such as ginseng and even Chinese mushroom herbs are gaining more popularity in western countries for their nootropic and adaptogenic properties.

Here are some of the best herbs for treating brain fog naturally:

1. Tulsi

The Holy Basil, commonly known as Tulsi, is hailed as the “Queen of Herbs” (1). In Ayurveda, Tulsi is considered one of the most effective herbs for boosting mental clarity. It has both adaptogenic and nootropic properties (2).

With its antioxidant capabilities, Tulsi can influence brain neurochemistry and help reduce cortisol levels. Consistent Tulsi in your diet enhances nervous system functions, improving mental clarity and memory.

2. Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa monnieri, or Brahmi, contains active compounds known as bacosides, which have potent antioxidant effects (3). It is one of the best ayurvedic herbs for mental clarity.

Brahmi has nootropic properties that support brain functions such as cognition and memory, improving the ability to retain new information (4)(5). Brahmi also calms the central nervous system and balances mood.

3. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is one of the most researched herbs and has been found to boost overall brain function. It improves focus and memory, increases energy levels, relieves stress.

Also known as Indian ginseng, Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that helps the body manage stress (6)(7).

4. Turmeric

The most active compound in turmeric is curcumin, which has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Curcumin enhances the action of the brain neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine (8,9), improving neurological function and combatting brain fog and mental fatigue. Curcumin also works as an anti-depressant (10).

5. Amla

Just 100 grams of amla or Indian gooseberry offers you as much vitamin C as eating 20 oranges! Vitamin C is an antioxidant strongly linked to cognitive functions and brain health (11).

Vitamin C has been found to support the healing of traumatic brain damage. Amla is used in treatments for Alzheimer's, along with curcumin (12).

6. Gotu Kola

Gotu kola is called the “Herb of Longevity” as it boosts health and wellbeing. Also known as Indian pennywort, it improves skin, kidney, and liver health.

It is used in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for its cognition-enhancing effects (13) and anxiolytic properties (14). Nourish your brain with such herbs for overcoming gluten brain fog.

7. Shankhpushpi

Shankhpushpi gets its exotic name from its conch or shankh-shaped flowers. This plant is used in Ayurvedic medicine to make brain tonics that support the central nervous system (15).

Shankhpushpi boosts cognition, improving mental clarity and focus (16). Shankhpushpi helps regulate the production of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, thus helping soothe anxiety.

8. Guduchi

In Indian mythology, Amrit is known as the "Food of the Gods." This heavenly elixir was said to be the secret to being eternally young. The Ayurvedic herb Guduchi is nicknamed Amrit, which should give you some idea of how powerful its adaptogenic properties are (17).

It not only boosts cognition and focus but also works as a metabolism and immunity booster. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) has anti-microbial, anti-allergenic, and anti-inflammatory properties (18).

Truly natural remedies are healthier choices than over-the-counter medicines with unwanted side effects. To overcome brain fog, include these herbs in your diet and remember to exercise regularly.