Does psoriasis shorten your life?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi guys, I initially thought I had a nail fungus, and then it turned out to be psoriasis. Does this mean that I would die an early death, or can I live a full life with psoriasis?

Ulysses Pitts

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Psoriasis is a chronic condition and while it doesn't lower life expectancy by itself, it may increase your risk of getting other diseases with a higher mortality risk e.g. cancer or heart disease. Your life expectancy varies depending on the onset of psoriasis and the type of psoriasis you have. There are various treatments available to help you manage symptoms, improve your quality of life and help you live a full life.

Braylon Aguilar

Friday, June 17, 2022

Psoriasis does not shorten your life span by itself but like other diseases it lowers the ability of your immune system to defend itself against more deadly diseases, specifically cancer and heart disease. Psoriasis itself wont kill you, however it can work in tandem with worse diseases which gives the average sufferer a doubled risk of death.

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