Can COVID-19 lead to mental complications?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I've been sick and feeling horrible these past couple of days. I went to the doctor and had a positive covid test. But on top of that, I find that I'm getting something that's very much like aphasia. Could this be due to covid, or is it something else?

Lester Stevens

Friday, February 25, 2022

The exact effects of covid-19 are not yet fully understood but studies that have come out state that it can lead to neurological complications due to the fact it restricts breathing. Some people have also noted brain fog as a side effect. When it gets into the lungs it closes or floods the lungs with liquid, which impairs breathing and can consequently reduce oxygen flow to the brain. Covid infections usually don't last more than a week, especially after vaccination, so if these symptoms persist, see a doctor.

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