Can mag-sci in Bloodsyl treat hypertension?

Asked 2 years ago

I have diabetes and hypertension which makes daily life a bit of a struggle, and I am in desperate need of medication to help me. One of the ingredients in Bloodsyl is mag-sci - Can this help to treat my hypertension?

Ali Branch

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Bloodsyl is a supplement that's been formulated to help lower and control blood pressure. The Mag-Sci in Bloodsyl is a blend of 2 types of magnesium - Oxide and Taurate, known to help relax blood vessels, leading to vasodilation and increased blood flow. This expands the arteries, providing a wider space for blood to flow through while simultaneously decreasing the blood pressure against the arterial walls. This brings blood pressure under control and would help treat hypertension.

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